Friday 17 October 2014

1:: Software Architecture Introduction

What is architecture?

Blueprint of Software system, which emphasis on how system should look like after implementing the system.

Why architecture?

Architecture is required to ensure the consistency of understanding the system across the stakeholders.

-It should not be perceived differently client and application developer etc.

Who are our Stakeholders?

a)      Application Developer b) Database designer c) Configuration management team d) Support & Maintenance Team e) Users
Advantages of SA

What are Advantages?
·         Consistency of understanding the system across the stakeholders
·         Fast development
·         Base-lining the work
·         Quick decisions

View & Structures?

View: each view represents certain aspect of architecture.
Structure: This is underlying part of view. Set of elements connected together forms structure.

Structure can discussed in three parts.
  1. Module 
  2. Component and Connector 
  3. Allocation

•Module Structure
How is the system to be structured as a set of code units (modules)?
•Component and connector structures
How is the system to be structured as a set of elements that have
runtime behavior (components) and interactions (connectors)
What are major executing components and how do they interact

•Allocation structures
How is the system to relate to non software structures in it’s
environment (CPU or cluster of CPUs, File Systems, Networks,
Development Teams ...)

4+1 view?